Death is the beginning of a new dawn.

Saturday 08 August, 2020

Looking at these things face "deceased in Bose" *, more you realize that there is no death.

Smiling nuns Eupraxia from Arizona, so called funeral photo, online resources, who died a few months ago from cancer in Arizona (USA), the nuns Eupraxia.

In the view of the sleeping human, disease, illness, suffering and death - together in one package. But the disease, illness and suffering is one thing, death is absolutely different.

Because of this confusion, problems arise.

Death is beautiful, but it is not a disease, not suffering, not the illness.

Death is beautiful.

Death is not the sword dissecting your life, it is like a flower - the final flower, which blooms at the last moment.

This is the peak. Death of a flower on the tree of life.

This is not the end of life, but its crescendo *. This is the ultimate orgasm.

In death there is nothing wrong, it is beautiful - but it is necessary to know how to live and how to die.

There is the art of living is the art of dying and the second skill is more valuable than the first. Only those who know how to live, and they know how to die properly.

Very few people on the ground died naturally, because only a few have lived naturally ...

With the exception of a few enlightened people all die in unconsciousness; so people do not know what death is, do not understand that this is the beginning of a new dawn. (Osho).
"To rest in the Lord" * - this expression means that the person's soul left this world for God is with the help of God and that with faith in God. Dear, kind God has been pleased to take away the soul of the man. Quietly, quietly, gently, quietly, I came to Bose srok.Pochil = fell asleep with God.

Crescendo * (Italian crescendo.) - A musical term for a gradual increase in sound intensity.



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